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net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP:
net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender net.minecraft.entity.Entity net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityClientPlayerMP

Public Member Functions

 EntityPlayerSP (Minecraft par1Minecraft, World par2World, Session par3Session, int par4)
void moveEntity (double par1, double par3, double par5)
void updateEntityActionState ()
void onLivingUpdate ()
float getFOVMultiplier ()
void updateCloak ()
void closeScreen ()
void displayGUIEditSign (TileEntity par1TileEntity)
void displayGUIBook (ItemStack par1ItemStack)
void displayGUIChest (IInventory par1IInventory)
void displayGUIHopper (TileEntityHopper par1TileEntityHopper)
void displayGUIHopperMinecart (EntityMinecartHopper par1EntityMinecartHopper)
void displayGUIWorkbench (int par1, int par2, int par3)
void displayGUIEnchantment (int par1, int par2, int par3, String par4Str)
void displayGUIAnvil (int par1, int par2, int par3)
void displayGUIFurnace (TileEntityFurnace par1TileEntityFurnace)
void displayGUIBrewingStand (TileEntityBrewingStand par1TileEntityBrewingStand)
void displayGUIBeacon (TileEntityBeacon par1TileEntityBeacon)
void displayGUIDispenser (TileEntityDispenser par1TileEntityDispenser)
void displayGUIMerchant (IMerchant par1IMerchant, String par2Str)
void onCriticalHit (Entity par1Entity)
void onEnchantmentCritical (Entity par1Entity)
void onItemPickup (Entity par1Entity, int par2)
boolean isSneaking ()
void setHealth (int par1)
void addChatMessage (String par1Str)
void addStat (StatBase par1StatBase, int par2)
void setSprinting (boolean par1)
void setXPStats (float par1, int par2, int par3)
void sendChatToPlayer (String par1Str)
boolean canCommandSenderUseCommand (int par1, String par2Str)
ChunkCoordinates getPlayerCoordinates ()
ItemStack getHeldItem ()
void playSound (String par1Str, float par2, float par3)
- Public Member Functions inherited from net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
 EntityPlayer (World par1World)
int getMaxHealth ()
ItemStack getItemInUse ()
int getItemInUseCount ()
boolean isUsingItem ()
int getItemInUseDuration ()
void stopUsingItem ()
void clearItemInUse ()
boolean isBlocking ()
void onUpdate ()
int getMaxInPortalTime ()
int getPortalCooldown ()
void playSound (String par1Str, float par2, float par3)
void handleHealthUpdate (byte par1)
void closeScreen ()
void mountEntity (Entity par1Entity)
void updateRidden ()
void preparePlayerToSpawn ()
void onLivingUpdate ()
int getScore ()
void setScore (int par1)
void addScore (int par1)
void onDeath (DamageSource par1DamageSource)
void addToPlayerScore (Entity par1Entity, int par2)
EntityItem dropOneItem (boolean par1)
EntityItem dropPlayerItem (ItemStack par1ItemStack)
EntityItem dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice (ItemStack par1ItemStack, boolean par2)
void joinEntityItemWithWorld (EntityItem par1EntityItem)
float getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock (Block par1Block, boolean par2)
float getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock (Block par1Block, boolean par2, int meta)
boolean canHarvestBlock (Block par1Block)
void readEntityFromNBT (NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
void writeEntityToNBT (NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
void displayGUIChest (IInventory par1IInventory)
void displayGUIHopper (TileEntityHopper par1TileEntityHopper)
void displayGUIHopperMinecart (EntityMinecartHopper par1EntityMinecartHopper)
void displayGUIEnchantment (int par1, int par2, int par3, String par4Str)
void displayGUIAnvil (int par1, int par2, int par3)
void displayGUIWorkbench (int par1, int par2, int par3)
float getEyeHeight ()
boolean attackEntityFrom (DamageSource par1DamageSource, int par2)
boolean func_96122_a (EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
int getTotalArmorValue ()
float func_82243_bO ()
void displayGUIFurnace (TileEntityFurnace par1TileEntityFurnace)
void displayGUIDispenser (TileEntityDispenser par1TileEntityDispenser)
void displayGUIEditSign (TileEntity par1TileEntity)
void displayGUIBrewingStand (TileEntityBrewingStand par1TileEntityBrewingStand)
void displayGUIBeacon (TileEntityBeacon par1TileEntityBeacon)
void displayGUIMerchant (IMerchant par1IMerchant, String par2Str)
void displayGUIBook (ItemStack par1ItemStack)
boolean interactWith (Entity par1Entity)
ItemStack getCurrentEquippedItem ()
void destroyCurrentEquippedItem ()
double getYOffset ()
void attackTargetEntityWithCurrentItem (Entity par1Entity)
void onCriticalHit (Entity par1Entity)
void onEnchantmentCritical (Entity par1Entity)
void respawnPlayer ()
void setDead ()
boolean isEntityInsideOpaqueBlock ()
boolean func_71066_bF ()
EnumStatus sleepInBedAt (int par1, int par2, int par3)
void wakeUpPlayer (boolean par1, boolean par2, boolean par3)
float getBedOrientationInDegrees ()
boolean isPlayerSleeping ()
boolean isPlayerFullyAsleep ()
int getSleepTimer ()
void addChatMessage (String par1Str)
ChunkCoordinates getBedLocation ()
boolean isSpawnForced ()
void setSpawnChunk (ChunkCoordinates par1ChunkCoordinates, boolean par2)
void triggerAchievement (StatBase par1StatBase)
void addStat (StatBase par1StatBase, int par2)
void moveEntityWithHeading (float par1, float par2)
void addMovementStat (double par1, double par3, double par5)
void onKillEntity (EntityLiving par1EntityLiving)
void setInWeb ()
Icon getItemIcon (ItemStack par1ItemStack, int par2)
ItemStack getCurrentArmor (int par1)
void addExperience (int par1)
void addExperienceLevel (int par1)
int xpBarCap ()
void addExhaustion (float par1)
FoodStats getFoodStats ()
boolean canEat (boolean par1)
boolean shouldHeal ()
void setItemInUse (ItemStack par1ItemStack, int par2)
boolean canCurrentToolHarvestBlock (int par1, int par2, int par3)
boolean canPlayerEdit (int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, ItemStack par5ItemStack)
String getEntityName ()
boolean func_94062_bN ()
boolean func_94059_bO ()
boolean canPickUpLoot ()
void clonePlayer (EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer, boolean par2)
void sendPlayerAbilities ()
void setGameType (EnumGameType par1EnumGameType)
String getCommandSenderName ()
StringTranslate getTranslator ()
String translateString (String par1Str, Object...par2ArrayOfObj)
InventoryEnderChest getInventoryEnderChest ()
ItemStack getCurrentItemOrArmor (int par1)
ItemStack getHeldItem ()
void setCurrentItemOrArmor (int par1, ItemStack par2ItemStack)
boolean func_98034_c (EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
ItemStack[] getLastActiveItems ()
boolean getHideCape ()
boolean func_96092_aw ()
Scoreboard getWorldScoreboard ()
ScorePlayerTeam getTeam ()
String getTranslatedEntityName ()
void openGui (Object mod, int modGuiId, World world, int x, int y, int z)
- Public Member Functions inherited from net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving
 EntityLiving (World par1World)
EntityLookHelper getLookHelper ()
EntityMoveHelper getMoveHelper ()
EntityJumpHelper getJumpHelper ()
PathNavigate getNavigator ()
EntitySenses getEntitySenses ()
Random getRNG ()
EntityLiving getAITarget ()
EntityLiving getLastAttackingEntity ()
void setLastAttackingEntity (Entity par1Entity)
int getAge ()
float getRotationYawHead ()
void setRotationYawHead (float par1)
float getAIMoveSpeed ()
void setAIMoveSpeed (float par1)
boolean attackEntityAsMob (Entity par1Entity)
EntityLiving getAttackTarget ()
void setAttackTarget (EntityLiving par1EntityLiving)
boolean canAttackClass (Class par1Class)
void eatGrassBonus ()
boolean isWithinHomeDistanceCurrentPosition ()
boolean isWithinHomeDistance (int par1, int par2, int par3)
void setHomeArea (int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4)
ChunkCoordinates getHomePosition ()
float getMaximumHomeDistance ()
void detachHome ()
boolean hasHome ()
void setRevengeTarget (EntityLiving par1EntityLiving)
boolean canEntityBeSeen (Entity par1Entity)
String getTexture ()
boolean canBeCollidedWith ()
boolean canBePushed ()
float getEyeHeight ()
int getTalkInterval ()
void playLivingSound ()
void onEntityUpdate ()
void spawnExplosionParticle ()
void updateRidden ()
void setPositionAndRotation2 (double par1, double par3, double par5, float par7, float par8, int par9)
void onUpdate ()
void heal (int par1)
int getHealth ()
void setEntityHealth (int par1)
boolean attackEntityFrom (DamageSource par1DamageSource, int par2)
void performHurtAnimation ()
int getTotalArmorValue ()
void knockBack (Entity par1Entity, int par2, double par3, double par5)
void onDeath (DamageSource par1DamageSource)
void moveEntityWithHeading (float par1, float par2)
boolean isOnLadder ()
boolean isEntityAlive ()
boolean canBreatheUnderwater ()
void setMoveForward (float par1)
void setJumping (boolean par1)
void onLivingUpdate ()
boolean isBlocking ()
int getVerticalFaceSpeed ()
void faceEntity (Entity par1Entity, float par2, float par3)
boolean getCanSpawnHere ()
float getSwingProgress (float par1)
Vec3 getPosition (float par1)
Vec3 getLookVec ()
Vec3 getLook (float par1)
float getRenderSizeModifier ()
MovingObjectPosition rayTrace (double par1, float par3)
int getMaxSpawnedInChunk ()
void handleHealthUpdate (byte par1)
boolean isPlayerSleeping ()
Icon getItemIcon (ItemStack par1ItemStack, int par2)
void clearActivePotions ()
Collection getActivePotionEffects ()
boolean isPotionActive (int par1)
boolean isPotionActive (Potion par1Potion)
PotionEffect getActivePotionEffect (Potion par1Potion)
void addPotionEffect (PotionEffect par1PotionEffect)
boolean isPotionApplicable (PotionEffect par1PotionEffect)
boolean isEntityUndead ()
void removePotionEffectClient (int par1)
void removePotionEffect (int par1)
float getSpeedModifier ()
void setPositionAndUpdate (double par1, double par3, double par5)
boolean isChild ()
EnumCreatureAttribute getCreatureAttribute ()
void renderBrokenItemStack (ItemStack par1ItemStack)
int func_82143_as ()
ItemStack getHeldItem ()
ItemStack getCurrentItemOrArmor (int par1)
ItemStack getCurrentArmor (int par1)
void setCurrentItemOrArmor (int par1, ItemStack par2ItemStack)
ItemStack[] getLastActiveItems ()
void onItemPickup (Entity par1Entity, int par2)
void initCreature ()
void swingItem ()
boolean canBeSteered ()
final int getArrowCountInEntity ()
final void setArrowCountInEntity (int par1)
EntityLiving func_94060_bK ()
String getEntityName ()
void func_94058_c (String par1Str)
String func_94057_bL ()
boolean func_94056_bM ()
void func_94061_f (boolean par1)
boolean func_94062_bN ()
boolean func_94059_bO ()
void func_96120_a (int par1, float par2)
boolean canPickUpLoot ()
void setCanPickUpLoot (boolean par1)
boolean func_104002_bU ()
void curePotionEffects (ItemStack curativeItem)
boolean shouldRiderFaceForward (EntityPlayer player)
- Public Member Functions inherited from net.minecraft.entity.Entity
 Entity (World par1World)
DataWatcher getDataWatcher ()
boolean equals (Object par1Obj)
int hashCode ()
void setDead ()
void setPosition (double par1, double par3, double par5)
void setAngles (float par1, float par2)
void onUpdate ()
void onEntityUpdate ()
int getMaxInPortalTime ()
void setFire (int par1)
void extinguish ()
boolean isOffsetPositionInLiquid (double par1, double par3, double par5)
void moveEntity (double par1, double par3, double par5)
void playSound (String par1Str, float par2, float par3)
AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox ()
final boolean isImmuneToFire ()
boolean isWet ()
boolean isInWater ()
boolean handleWaterMovement ()
boolean isInsideOfMaterial (Material par1Material)
float getEyeHeight ()
boolean handleLavaMovement ()
void moveFlying (float par1, float par2, float par3)
int getBrightnessForRender (float par1)
float getBrightness (float par1)
void setWorld (World par1World)
void setPositionAndRotation (double par1, double par3, double par5, float par7, float par8)
void setLocationAndAngles (double par1, double par3, double par5, float par7, float par8)
float getDistanceToEntity (Entity par1Entity)
double getDistanceSq (double par1, double par3, double par5)
double getDistance (double par1, double par3, double par5)
double getDistanceSqToEntity (Entity par1Entity)
void onCollideWithPlayer (EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
void applyEntityCollision (Entity par1Entity)
void addVelocity (double par1, double par3, double par5)
boolean attackEntityFrom (DamageSource par1DamageSource, int par2)
boolean canBeCollidedWith ()
boolean canBePushed ()
void addToPlayerScore (Entity par1Entity, int par2)
boolean addNotRiddenEntityID (NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
boolean isInRangeToRenderVec3D (Vec3 par1Vec3)
boolean isInRangeToRenderDist (double par1)
String getTexture ()
boolean addEntityID (NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
void writeToNBT (NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
void readFromNBT (NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
float getShadowSize ()
EntityItem dropItem (int par1, int par2)
EntityItem dropItemWithOffset (int par1, int par2, float par3)
EntityItem entityDropItem (ItemStack par1ItemStack, float par2)
boolean isEntityAlive ()
boolean isEntityInsideOpaqueBlock ()
boolean interact (EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBox (Entity par1Entity)
void updateRidden ()
void updateRiderPosition ()
double getYOffset ()
double getMountedYOffset ()
void mountEntity (Entity par1Entity)
void unmountEntity (Entity par1Entity)
void setPositionAndRotation2 (double par1, double par3, double par5, float par7, float par8, int par9)
float getCollisionBorderSize ()
Vec3 getLookVec ()
void setInPortal ()
int getPortalCooldown ()
void setVelocity (double par1, double par3, double par5)
void handleHealthUpdate (byte par1)
void performHurtAnimation ()
void updateCloak ()
ItemStack[] getLastActiveItems ()
void setCurrentItemOrArmor (int par1, ItemStack par2ItemStack)
boolean isBurning ()
boolean isRiding ()
boolean isSneaking ()
void setSneaking (boolean par1)
boolean isSprinting ()
void setSprinting (boolean par1)
boolean isInvisible ()
boolean func_98034_c (EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
void setInvisible (boolean par1)
boolean isEating ()
void setEating (boolean par1)
int getAir ()
void setAir (int par1)
void onStruckByLightning (EntityLightningBolt par1EntityLightningBolt)
void onKillEntity (EntityLiving par1EntityLiving)
void setInWeb ()
String getEntityName ()
Entity[] getParts ()
boolean isEntityEqual (Entity par1Entity)
float getRotationYawHead ()
void setRotationYawHead (float par1)
boolean canAttackWithItem ()
boolean func_85031_j (Entity par1Entity)
String toString ()
boolean isEntityInvulnerable ()
void func_82149_j (Entity par1Entity)
void copyDataFrom (Entity par1Entity, boolean par2)
void travelToDimension (int par1)
float func_82146_a (Explosion par1Explosion, World par2World, int par3, int par4, int par5, Block par6Block)
boolean func_96091_a (Explosion par1Explosion, World par2World, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6, float par7)
int func_82143_as ()
int getTeleportDirection ()
boolean doesEntityNotTriggerPressurePlate ()
void func_85029_a (CrashReportCategory par1CrashReportCategory)
boolean canRenderOnFire ()
boolean func_96092_aw ()
String getTranslatedEntityName ()
NBTTagCompound getEntityData ()
boolean shouldRiderSit ()
ItemStack getPickedResult (MovingObjectPosition target)
UUID getPersistentID ()
final void resetEntityId ()
boolean shouldRenderInPass (int pass)
boolean isCreatureType (EnumCreatureType type, boolean forSpawnCount)
String registerExtendedProperties (String identifier, IExtendedEntityProperties properties)
IExtendedEntityProperties getExtendedProperties (String identifier)

Public Attributes

MovementInput movementInput
int sprintingTicksLeft = 0
float renderArmYaw
float renderArmPitch
float prevRenderArmYaw
float prevRenderArmPitch
float timeInPortal
float prevTimeInPortal
- Public Attributes inherited from net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
int maxHealth = 20
InventoryPlayer inventory = new InventoryPlayer(this)
Container inventoryContainer
Container openContainer
byte field_71098_bD = 0
float prevCameraYaw
float cameraYaw
String username
int xpCooldown = 0
double field_71091_bM
double field_71096_bN
double field_71097_bO
double field_71094_bP
double field_71095_bQ
double field_71085_bR
ChunkCoordinates playerLocation
int sleepTimer
float field_71079_bU
float field_71082_cx
float field_71089_bV
PlayerCapabilities capabilities = new PlayerCapabilities()
int experienceLevel
int experienceTotal
float experience
EntityFishHook fishEntity = null
- Public Attributes inherited from net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving
int maxHurtResistantTime = 20
float field_70769_ao
float field_70770_ap
float renderYawOffset = 0.0F
float prevRenderYawOffset = 0.0F
float rotationYawHead = 0.0F
float prevRotationYawHead = 0.0F
float landMovementFactor = 0.1F
float jumpMovementFactor = 0.02F
float prevSwingProgress
float swingProgress
int prevHealth
int carryoverDamage
int livingSoundTime
int hurtTime
int maxHurtTime
float attackedAtYaw = 0.0F
int deathTime = 0
int attackTime = 0
float prevCameraPitch
float cameraPitch
int experienceValue
int field_70731_aW = -1
float field_70730_aX = (float)(Math.random() * 0.8999999761581421D + 0.10000000149011612D)
float prevLimbYaw
float limbYaw
float limbSwing
int arrowHitTimer = 0
final EntityAITasks tasks
final EntityAITasks targetTasks
boolean isSwingInProgress = false
int swingProgressInt = 0
final CombatTracker field_94063_bt = new CombatTracker(this)
boolean isJumping = false
- Public Attributes inherited from net.minecraft.entity.Entity
int entityId
double renderDistanceWeight
boolean preventEntitySpawning
Entity riddenByEntity
Entity ridingEntity
boolean field_98038_p
World worldObj
double prevPosX
double prevPosY
double prevPosZ
double posX
double posY
double posZ
double motionX
double motionY
double motionZ
float rotationYaw
float rotationPitch
float prevRotationYaw
float prevRotationPitch
final AxisAlignedBB boundingBox
boolean onGround
boolean isCollidedHorizontally
boolean isCollidedVertically
boolean isCollided
boolean velocityChanged
boolean field_70135_K
boolean isDead
float yOffset
float width
float height
float prevDistanceWalkedModified
float distanceWalkedModified
float distanceWalkedOnStepModified
float fallDistance
double lastTickPosX
double lastTickPosY
double lastTickPosZ
float ySize
float stepHeight
boolean noClip
float entityCollisionReduction
int ticksExisted
int fireResistance
int hurtResistantTime
String skinUrl
String cloakUrl
boolean addedToChunk
int chunkCoordX
int chunkCoordY
int chunkCoordZ
int serverPosX
int serverPosY
int serverPosZ
boolean ignoreFrustumCheck
boolean isAirBorne
int timeUntilPortal
int dimension
EnumEntitySize myEntitySize
boolean captureDrops = false
ArrayList< EntityItemcapturedDrops = new ArrayList<EntityItem>()

Protected Member Functions

boolean isClientWorld ()
boolean pushOutOfBlocks (double par1, double par3, double par5)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
void entityInit ()
void updateItemUse (ItemStack par1ItemStack, int par2)
void onItemUseFinish ()
boolean isMovementBlocked ()
void updateEntityActionState ()
void resetHeight ()
void alertWolves (EntityLiving par1EntityLiving, boolean par2)
void damageArmor (int par1)
void damageEntity (DamageSource par1DamageSource, int par2)
boolean getHideCape (int par1)
void setHideCape (int par1, boolean par2)
void jump ()
void fall (float par1)
void addRandomArmor ()
void func_82162_bC ()
int getExperiencePoints (EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
boolean isPlayer ()
boolean canTriggerWalking ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving
int func_96121_ay ()
void updateFallState (double par1, boolean par3)
void onDeathUpdate ()
int decreaseAirSupply (int par1)
int getExperiencePoints (EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
boolean isPlayer ()
float getSoundPitch ()
void damageArmor (int par1)
int applyArmorCalculations (DamageSource par1DamageSource, int par2)
int applyPotionDamageCalculations (DamageSource par1DamageSource, int par2)
void damageEntity (DamageSource par1DamageSource, int par2)
float getSoundVolume ()
String getLivingSound ()
String getHurtSound ()
String getDeathSound ()
void dropRareDrop (int par1)
void dropFewItems (boolean par1, int par2)
int getDropItemId ()
void fall (float par1)
void func_85033_bc ()
void collideWithEntity (Entity par1Entity)
boolean isAIEnabled ()
boolean isClientWorld ()
boolean isMovementBlocked ()
void jump ()
boolean canDespawn ()
void despawnEntity ()
void updateAITasks ()
void updateAITick ()
void updateEntityActionState ()
void updateArmSwingProgress ()
void kill ()
void updatePotionEffects ()
void onNewPotionEffect (PotionEffect par1PotionEffect)
void onChangedPotionEffect (PotionEffect par1PotionEffect)
void onFinishedPotionEffect (PotionEffect par1PotionEffect)
void dropEquipment (boolean par1, int par2)
void addRandomArmor ()
void func_82162_bC ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from net.minecraft.entity.Entity
void preparePlayerToSpawn ()
void setSize (float par1, float par2)
void setRotation (float par1, float par2)
void setOnFireFromLava ()
void kill ()
void doBlockCollisions ()
void playStepSound (int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4)
boolean canTriggerWalking ()
void updateFallState (double par1, boolean par3)
void dealFireDamage (int par1)
void fall (float par1)
void setBeenAttacked ()
final String getEntityString ()
NBTTagList newDoubleNBTList (double...par1ArrayOfDouble)
NBTTagList newFloatNBTList (float...par1ArrayOfFloat)
boolean getFlag (int par1)
void setFlag (int par1, boolean par2)
boolean pushOutOfBlocks (double par1, double par3, double par5)

Protected Attributes

Minecraft mc
int sprintToggleTimer = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
FoodStats foodStats = new FoodStats()
int flyToggleTimer = 0
boolean sleeping
float speedOnGround = 0.1F
float speedInAir = 0.02F
- Protected Attributes inherited from net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving
float field_70768_au
float field_70766_av
float field_70764_aw
float field_70763_ax
boolean field_70753_ay = true
String texture = "/mob/char.png"
boolean field_70740_aA = true
float field_70741_aB = 0.0F
String entityType = null
float field_70743_aD = 1.0F
int scoreValue = 0
float field_70745_aF = 0.0F
int health = this.getMaxHealth()
boolean dead = false
EntityPlayer attackingPlayer = null
int recentlyHit = 0
HashMap activePotionsMap = new HashMap()
float[] equipmentDropChances = new float[5]
int newPosRotationIncrements
double newPosX
double newPosY
double newPosZ
double newRotationYaw
double newRotationPitch
int lastDamage = 0
int entityAge = 0
float moveStrafing
float moveForward
float randomYawVelocity
float defaultPitch = 0.0F
float moveSpeed = 0.7F
int numTicksToChaseTarget = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from net.minecraft.entity.Entity
boolean isInWeb
Random rand
boolean inWater
boolean isImmuneToFire
DataWatcher dataWatcher
boolean inPortal
int timeInPortal
int teleportDirection

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
static ChunkCoordinates verifyRespawnCoordinates (World par0World, ChunkCoordinates par1ChunkCoordinates, boolean par2)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
static final String PERSISTED_NBT_TAG = "PlayerPersisted"

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.EntityPlayerSP ( Minecraft  par1Minecraft,
World  par2World,
Session  par3Session,
int  par4 

Member Function Documentation

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.addChatMessage ( String  par1Str)

Add a chat message to the player

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.addStat ( StatBase  par1StatBase,
int  par2 

Adds a value to a statistic field.

boolean net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.canCommandSenderUseCommand ( int  par1,
String  par2Str 

Returns true if the command sender is allowed to use the given command.

Implements net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender.

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.closeScreen ( )

sets current screen to null (used on escape buttons of GUIs)

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIAnvil ( int  par1,
int  par2,
int  par3 

Displays the GUI for interacting with an anvil.

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIBeacon ( TileEntityBeacon  par1TileEntityBeacon)

Displays the GUI for interacting with a beacon.

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIBook ( ItemStack  par1ItemStack)

Displays the GUI for interacting with a book.

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIBrewingStand ( TileEntityBrewingStand  par1TileEntityBrewingStand)

Displays the GUI for interacting with a brewing stand.

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIChest ( IInventory  par1IInventory)

Displays the GUI for interacting with a chest inventory. Args: chestInventory

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIDispenser ( TileEntityDispenser  par1TileEntityDispenser)

Displays the dipsenser GUI for the passed in dispenser entity. Args: TileEntityDispenser

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIEditSign ( TileEntity  par1TileEntity)

Displays the GUI for editing a sign. Args: tileEntitySign

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIEnchantment ( int  par1,
int  par2,
int  par3,
String  par4Str 
void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIFurnace ( TileEntityFurnace  par1TileEntityFurnace)

Displays the furnace GUI for the passed in furnace entity. Args: tileEntityFurnace

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIHopper ( TileEntityHopper  par1TileEntityHopper)
void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIHopperMinecart ( EntityMinecartHopper  par1EntityMinecartHopper)
void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIMerchant ( IMerchant  par1IMerchant,
String  par2Str 
void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.displayGUIWorkbench ( int  par1,
int  par2,
int  par3 

Displays the crafting GUI for a workbench.

float net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.getFOVMultiplier ( )

Gets the player's field of view multiplier. (ex. when flying)

ItemStack net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.getHeldItem ( )

Returns the item that this EntityLiving is holding, if any.

ChunkCoordinates net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.getPlayerCoordinates ( )

Return the position for this command sender.

Implements net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender.

boolean net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.isClientWorld ( )

Returns whether the entity is in a local (client) world

boolean net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.isSneaking ( )

Returns if this entity is sneaking.

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.moveEntity ( double  par1,
double  par3,
double  par5 

Tries to moves the entity by the passed in displacement. Args: x, y, z

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.onCriticalHit ( Entity  par1Entity)

Called when the player performs a critical hit on the Entity. Args: entity that was hit critically

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.onEnchantmentCritical ( Entity  par1Entity)
void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.onItemPickup ( Entity  par1Entity,
int  par2 

Called whenever an item is picked up from walking over it. Args: pickedUpEntity, stackSize

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.onLivingUpdate ( )

Called frequently so the entity can update its state every tick as required. For example, zombies and skeletons use this to react to sunlight and start to burn.

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.playSound ( String  par1Str,
float  par2,
float  par3 
boolean net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.pushOutOfBlocks ( double  par1,
double  par3,
double  par5 

Adds velocity to push the entity out of blocks at the specified x, y, z position Args: x, y, z

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.sendChatToPlayer ( String  par1Str)
void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.setHealth ( int  par1)

Updates health locally.

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.setSprinting ( boolean  par1)

Set sprinting switch for Entity.

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.setXPStats ( float  par1,
int  par2,
int  par3 

Sets the current XP, total XP, and level number.

void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.updateCloak ( )
void net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.updateEntityActionState ( )

Member Data Documentation

Minecraft net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.mc
MovementInput net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.movementInput
float net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.prevRenderArmPitch
float net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.prevRenderArmYaw
float net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.prevTimeInPortal

The amount of time an entity has been in a Portal the previous tick

float net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.renderArmPitch
float net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.renderArmYaw
int net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.sprintingTicksLeft = 0

Ticks left before sprinting is disabled.

int net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.sprintToggleTimer = 0

Used to tell if the player pressed forward twice. If this is at 0 and it's pressed (And they are allowed to sprint, aka enough food on the ground etc) it sets this to 7. If it's pressed and it's greater than 0 enable sprinting.

float net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.timeInPortal

The amount of time an entity has been in a Portal

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