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net.minecraft.client.Minecraft Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for net.minecraft.client.Minecraft:
net.minecraft.profiler.IPlayerUsage net.minecraft.client.MinecraftAppletImpl

Public Member Functions

 Minecraft (Canvas par1Canvas, MinecraftApplet par2MinecraftApplet, int par3, int par4, boolean par5)
void crashed (CrashReport par1CrashReport)
void displayCrashReport (CrashReport par1CrashReport)
abstract void displayCrashReportInternal (CrashReport crashreport)
void setServer (String par1Str, int par2)
void startGame () throws LWJGLException
void scaledTessellator (int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6)
ISaveFormat getSaveLoader ()
void displayGuiScreen (GuiScreen par1GuiScreen)
void shutdownMinecraftApplet ()
void run ()
void freeMemory ()
void shutdown ()
void setIngameFocus ()
void setIngameNotInFocus ()
void displayInGameMenu ()
void toggleFullscreen ()
void runTick ()
void launchIntegratedServer (String par1Str, String par2Str, WorldSettings par3WorldSettings)
void continueWorldLoading ()
void loadWorld (WorldClient par1WorldClient)
void loadWorld (WorldClient par1WorldClient, String par2Str)
void installResource (String par1Str, File par2File)
String debugInfoRenders ()
String getEntityDebug ()
String getWorldProviderName ()
String debugInfoEntities ()
void setDimensionAndSpawnPlayer (int par1)
final boolean isDemo ()
NetClientHandler getNetHandler ()
boolean handleClientCommand (String par1Str)
CrashReport addGraphicsAndWorldToCrashReport (CrashReport par1CrashReport)
void scheduleTexturePackRefresh ()
void addServerStatsToSnooper (PlayerUsageSnooper par1PlayerUsageSnooper)
void addServerTypeToSnooper (PlayerUsageSnooper par1PlayerUsageSnooper)
boolean isSnooperEnabled ()
void setServerData (ServerData par1ServerData)
ServerData getServerData ()
boolean isIntegratedServerRunning ()
boolean isSingleplayer ()
IntegratedServer getIntegratedServer ()
PlayerUsageSnooper getPlayerUsageSnooper ()
boolean isFullScreen ()
ILogAgent getLogAgent ()

Static Public Member Functions

static File getMinecraftDir ()
static File getAppDir (String par0Str)
static EnumOS getOs ()
static void main (String[] par0ArrayOfStr)
static void fmlReentry (ArgsWrapper wrapper)
static boolean isGuiEnabled ()
static boolean isFancyGraphicsEnabled ()
static boolean isAmbientOcclusionEnabled ()
static Minecraft getMinecraft ()
static int getGLMaximumTextureSize ()
static void stopIntegratedServer ()
static long getSystemTime ()

Public Attributes

PlayerControllerMP playerController
int displayWidth
int displayHeight
WorldClient theWorld
RenderGlobal renderGlobal
EntityClientPlayerMP thePlayer
EntityLiving renderViewEntity
EntityLiving pointedEntityLiving
EffectRenderer effectRenderer
Session session = null
String minecraftUri
Canvas mcCanvas
boolean hideQuitButton = false
volatile boolean isGamePaused = false
RenderEngine renderEngine
FontRenderer fontRenderer
FontRenderer standardGalacticFontRenderer
GuiScreen currentScreen = null
LoadingScreenRenderer loadingScreen
EntityRenderer entityRenderer
GuiAchievement guiAchievement
GuiIngame ingameGUI
boolean skipRenderWorld = false
MovingObjectPosition objectMouseOver = null
GameSettings gameSettings
SoundManager sndManager = new SoundManager()
MouseHelper mouseHelper
TexturePackList texturePackList
File mcDataDir
StatFileWriter statFileWriter
boolean inGameHasFocus = false
final Profiler mcProfiler = new Profiler()
volatile boolean running = true
String debug = ""

Static Public Attributes

static byte[] memoryReserve = new byte[10485760]

Protected Attributes

MinecraftApplet mcApplet

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.Minecraft ( Canvas  par1Canvas,
MinecraftApplet  par2MinecraftApplet,
int  par3,
int  par4,
boolean  par5 

Member Function Documentation

CrashReport net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.addGraphicsAndWorldToCrashReport ( CrashReport  par1CrashReport)

adds core server Info (GL version , Texture pack, isModded, type), and the worldInfo to the crash report

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.addServerStatsToSnooper ( PlayerUsageSnooper  par1PlayerUsageSnooper)
void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.addServerTypeToSnooper ( PlayerUsageSnooper  par1PlayerUsageSnooper)
void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.continueWorldLoading ( )
void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.crashed ( CrashReport  par1CrashReport)
String net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.debugInfoEntities ( )

A String of how many entities are in the world

String net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.debugInfoRenders ( )

A String of renderGlobal.getDebugInfoRenders

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.displayCrashReport ( CrashReport  par1CrashReport)

Wrapper around displayCrashReportInternal

abstract void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.displayCrashReportInternal ( CrashReport  crashreport)
pure virtual
void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.displayGuiScreen ( GuiScreen  par1GuiScreen)

Sets the argument GuiScreen as the main (topmost visible) screen.

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.displayInGameMenu ( )

Displays the ingame menu

static void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.fmlReentry ( ArgsWrapper  wrapper)
void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.freeMemory ( )
static File net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getAppDir ( String  par0Str)

gets the working dir (OS specific) for the specific application (which is always minecraft)

String net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getEntityDebug ( )

Gets the information in the F3 menu about how many entities are infront/around you

static int net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getGLMaximumTextureSize ( )

Used in the usage snooper.

IntegratedServer net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getIntegratedServer ( )

Returns the currently running integrated server

ILogAgent net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getLogAgent ( )
static Minecraft net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getMinecraft ( )

Return the singleton Minecraft instance for the game

static File net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getMinecraftDir ( )

gets the working dir (OS specific) for minecraft

NetClientHandler net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getNetHandler ( )

Returns the NetClientHandler.

static EnumOS net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getOs ( )
PlayerUsageSnooper net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getPlayerUsageSnooper ( )

Returns the PlayerUsageSnooper instance.

ISaveFormat net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getSaveLoader ( )

Returns the save loader that is currently being used

ServerData net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getServerData ( )

Get the current ServerData instance.

static long net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getSystemTime ( )

Gets the system time in milliseconds.

String net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getWorldProviderName ( )

Gets the name of the world's current chunk provider

boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.handleClientCommand ( String  par1Str)

Returns true if the message is a client command and should not be sent to the server. However there are no such commands at this point in time.

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.installResource ( String  par1Str,
File  par2File 

Installs a resource. Currently only sounds are download so this method just adds them to the SoundManager.

static boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.isAmbientOcclusionEnabled ( )

Returns if ambient occlusion is enabled

final boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.isDemo ( )

Gets whether this is a demo or not.

static boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.isFancyGraphicsEnabled ( )
boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.isFullScreen ( )

Returns whether we're in full screen or not.

static boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.isGuiEnabled ( )
boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.isIntegratedServerRunning ( )
boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.isSingleplayer ( )

Returns true if there is only one player playing, and the current server is the integrated one.

boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.isSnooperEnabled ( )

Returns whether snooping is enabled or not.

Implements net.minecraft.profiler.IPlayerUsage.

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.launchIntegratedServer ( String  par1Str,
String  par2Str,
WorldSettings  par3WorldSettings 

Arguments: World foldername, World ingame name, WorldSettings

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.loadWorld ( WorldClient  par1WorldClient)

unloads the current world first

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.loadWorld ( WorldClient  par1WorldClient,
String  par2Str 

par2Str is displayed on the loading screen to the user unloads the current world first

static void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.main ( String[]  par0ArrayOfStr)
void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run ( )
void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runTick ( )

Runs the current tick.

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.scaledTessellator ( int  par1,
int  par2,
int  par3,
int  par4,
int  par5,
int  par6 

Loads Tessellator with a scaled resolution

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.scheduleTexturePackRefresh ( )

Sets refreshTexturePacksScheduled to true, triggering a texture pack refresh next time the while(running) loop is run

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.setDimensionAndSpawnPlayer ( int  par1)
void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.setIngameFocus ( )

Will set the focus to ingame if the Minecraft window is the active with focus. Also clears any GUI screen currently displayed

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.setIngameNotInFocus ( )

Resets the player keystate, disables the ingame focus, and ungrabs the mouse cursor.

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.setServer ( String  par1Str,
int  par2 
void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.setServerData ( ServerData  par1ServerData)

Set the current ServerData instance.

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.shutdown ( )

Called when the window is closing. Sets 'running' to false which allows the game loop to exit cleanly.

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.shutdownMinecraftApplet ( )

Shuts down the minecraft applet by stopping the resource downloads, and clearing up GL stuff; called when the application (or web page) is exited.

void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.startGame ( ) throws LWJGLException

Starts the game: initializes the canvas, the title, the settings, etcetera.

static void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.stopIntegratedServer ( )
void net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.toggleFullscreen ( )

Toggles fullscreen mode.

Member Data Documentation

GuiScreen net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.currentScreen = null

The GuiScreen that's being displayed at the moment.

String net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.debug = ""

String that shows the debug information

int net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.displayHeight
int net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.displayWidth
EffectRenderer net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.effectRenderer
EntityRenderer net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.entityRenderer
FontRenderer net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.fontRenderer

The font renderer used for displaying and measuring text.

GameSettings net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.gameSettings

The game settings that currently hold effect.

GuiAchievement net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.guiAchievement

Gui achievement

boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.hideQuitButton = false

a boolean to hide a Quit button from the main menu

GuiIngame net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.ingameGUI
boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.inGameHasFocus = false

Does the actual gameplay have focus. If so then mouse and keys will effect the player instead of menus.

volatile boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.isGamePaused = false
LoadingScreenRenderer net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.loadingScreen
MinecraftApplet net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.mcApplet
Canvas net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.mcCanvas
File net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.mcDataDir
final Profiler net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.mcProfiler = new Profiler()

The profiler instance

byte [] net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.memoryReserve = new byte[10485760]

A 10MiB preallocation to ensure the heap is reasonably sized.

String net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.minecraftUri
MouseHelper net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.mouseHelper

Mouse helper instance.

MovingObjectPosition net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.objectMouseOver = null

The ray trace hit that the mouse is over.

PlayerControllerMP net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.playerController
EntityLiving net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.pointedEntityLiving
RenderEngine net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.renderEngine

The RenderEngine instance used by Minecraft

RenderGlobal net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.renderGlobal
EntityLiving net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.renderViewEntity

The Entity from which the renderer determines the render viewpoint. Currently is always the parent Minecraft class's 'thePlayer' instance. Modification of its location, rotation, or other settings at render time will modify the camera likewise, with the caveat of triggering chunk rebuilds as it moves, making it unsuitable for changing the viewpoint mid-render.

volatile boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.running = true

Set to true to keep the game loop running. Set to false by shutdown() to allow the game loop to exit cleanly.

Session net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.session = null
boolean net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.skipRenderWorld = false

Skip render world

SoundManager net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.sndManager = new SoundManager()
FontRenderer net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.standardGalacticFontRenderer
StatFileWriter net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.statFileWriter

Stat file writer

TexturePackList net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.texturePackList

The TexturePackLister used by this instance of Minecraft...

EntityClientPlayerMP net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.thePlayer
WorldClient net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.theWorld

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