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net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider:
net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderEnd net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderHell net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderSurface

Public Member Functions

final void registerWorld (World par1World)
IChunkProvider createChunkGenerator ()
boolean canCoordinateBeSpawn (int par1, int par2)
float calculateCelestialAngle (long par1, float par3)
int getMoonPhase (long par1)
boolean isSurfaceWorld ()
float[] calcSunriseSunsetColors (float par1, float par2)
Vec3 getFogColor (float par1, float par2)
boolean canRespawnHere ()
float getCloudHeight ()
boolean isSkyColored ()
ChunkCoordinates getEntrancePortalLocation ()
int getAverageGroundLevel ()
boolean getWorldHasVoidParticles ()
double getVoidFogYFactor ()
boolean doesXZShowFog (int par1, int par2)
abstract String getDimensionName ()
void setDimension (int dim)
String getSaveFolder ()
String getWelcomeMessage ()
String getDepartMessage ()
double getMovementFactor ()
IRenderHandler getSkyRenderer ()
void setSkyRenderer (IRenderHandler skyRenderer)
IRenderHandler getCloudRenderer ()
void setCloudRenderer (IRenderHandler renderer)
ChunkCoordinates getRandomizedSpawnPoint ()
boolean shouldMapSpin (String entity, double x, double y, double z)
int getRespawnDimension (EntityPlayerMP player)
BiomeGenBase getBiomeGenForCoords (int x, int z)
boolean isDaytime ()
Vec3 getSkyColor (Entity cameraEntity, float partialTicks)
Vec3 drawClouds (float partialTicks)
float getStarBrightness (float par1)
void setAllowedSpawnTypes (boolean allowHostile, boolean allowPeaceful)
void calculateInitialWeather ()
void updateWeather ()
void toggleRain ()
boolean canBlockFreeze (int x, int y, int z, boolean byWater)
boolean canSnowAt (int x, int y, int z)
void setWorldTime (long time)
long getSeed ()
long getWorldTime ()
ChunkCoordinates getSpawnPoint ()
void setSpawnPoint (int x, int y, int z)
boolean canMineBlock (EntityPlayer player, int x, int y, int z)
boolean isBlockHighHumidity (int x, int y, int z)
int getHeight ()
int getActualHeight ()
double getHorizon ()
void resetRainAndThunder ()
boolean canDoLightning (Chunk chunk)
boolean canDoRainSnowIce (Chunk chunk)

Static Public Member Functions

static WorldProvider getProviderForDimension (int par0)

Public Attributes

World worldObj
WorldType terrainType
String field_82913_c
WorldChunkManager worldChunkMgr
boolean isHellWorld = false
boolean hasNoSky = false
float[] lightBrightnessTable = new float[16]
int dimensionId = 0

Protected Member Functions

void generateLightBrightnessTable ()
void registerWorldChunkManager ()

Member Function Documentation

float [] net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.calcSunriseSunsetColors ( float  par1,
float  par2 

Returns array with sunrise/sunset colors

float net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.calculateCelestialAngle ( long  par1,
float  par3 

Calculates the angle of sun and moon in the sky relative to a specified time (usually worldTime)

void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.calculateInitialWeather ( )
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.canBlockFreeze ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
boolean  byWater 
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.canCoordinateBeSpawn ( int  par1,
int  par2 

Will check if the x, z position specified is alright to be set as the map spawn point

boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.canDoLightning ( Chunk  chunk)
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.canDoRainSnowIce ( Chunk  chunk)
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.canMineBlock ( EntityPlayer  player,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.canRespawnHere ( )

True if the player can respawn in this dimension (true = overworld, false = nether).

boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.canSnowAt ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
IChunkProvider net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.createChunkGenerator ( )

Returns a new chunk provider which generates chunks for this world

boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.doesXZShowFog ( int  par1,
int  par2 

Returns true if the given X,Z coordinate should show environmental fog.

Vec3 net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.drawClouds ( float  partialTicks)
void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.generateLightBrightnessTable ( )

Creates the light to brightness table

int net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getActualHeight ( )
int net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getAverageGroundLevel ( )
BiomeGenBase net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getBiomeGenForCoords ( int  x,
int  z 
float net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getCloudHeight ( )

the y level at which clouds are rendered.

IRenderHandler net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getCloudRenderer ( )
String net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getDepartMessage ( )

A Message to display to the user when they transfer out of this dismension.

The message to be displayed
abstract String net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getDimensionName ( )
pure virtual

Returns the dimension's name, e.g. "The End", "Nether", or "Overworld".

Implemented in net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderEnd, net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderHell, and net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderSurface.

ChunkCoordinates net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getEntrancePortalLocation ( )

Gets the hard-coded portal location to use when entering this dimension.

Vec3 net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getFogColor ( float  par1,
float  par2 

Return Vec3D with biome specific fog color

int net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getHeight ( )
double net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getHorizon ( )
int net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getMoonPhase ( long  par1)
double net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getMovementFactor ( )

The dimensions movement factor. Relative to normal overworld. It is applied to the players position when they transfer dimensions. Exa: Nether movement is 8.0

The movement factor
static WorldProvider net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getProviderForDimension ( int  par0)
ChunkCoordinates net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getRandomizedSpawnPoint ( )
int net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getRespawnDimension ( EntityPlayerMP  player)

Determines the dimension the player will be respawned in, typically this brings them back to the overworld.

playerThe player that is respawning
The dimension to respawn the player in
String net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getSaveFolder ( )

Returns the sub-folder of the world folder that this WorldProvider saves to. EXA: DIM1, DIM-1

The sub-folder name to save this world's chunks to.
long net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getSeed ( )
Vec3 net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getSkyColor ( Entity  cameraEntity,
float  partialTicks 
IRenderHandler net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getSkyRenderer ( )
ChunkCoordinates net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getSpawnPoint ( )
float net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getStarBrightness ( float  par1)
double net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getVoidFogYFactor ( )

Returns a double value representing the Y value relative to the top of the map at which void fog is at its maximum. The default factor of 0.03125 relative to 256, for example, means the void fog will be at its maximum at (256*0.03125), or 8.

String net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getWelcomeMessage ( )

A message to display to the user when they transfer to this dimension.

The message to be displayed
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getWorldHasVoidParticles ( )

returns true if this dimension is supposed to display void particles and pull in the far plane based on the user's Y offset.

long net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getWorldTime ( )
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.isBlockHighHumidity ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.isDaytime ( )
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.isSkyColored ( )
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.isSurfaceWorld ( )

Returns 'true' if in the "main surface world", but 'false' if in the Nether or End dimensions.

final void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.registerWorld ( World  par1World)

associate an existing world with a World provider, and setup its lightbrightness table

void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.registerWorldChunkManager ( )

creates a new world chunk manager for WorldProvider

void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.resetRainAndThunder ( )
void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.setAllowedSpawnTypes ( boolean  allowHostile,
boolean  allowPeaceful 
void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.setCloudRenderer ( IRenderHandler  renderer)
void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.setDimension ( int  dim)

Sets the providers current dimension ID, used in default getSaveFolder() Added to allow default providers to be registered for multiple dimensions.

dimDimension ID
void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.setSkyRenderer ( IRenderHandler  skyRenderer)
void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.setSpawnPoint ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.setWorldTime ( long  time)
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.shouldMapSpin ( String  entity,
double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Determine if the cusor on the map should 'spin' when rendered, like it does for the player in the nether.

entityThe entity holding the map, playername, or frame-ENTITYID
xX Position
yY Position
zZ Postion
True to 'spin' the cursor
void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.toggleRain ( )
void net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.updateWeather ( )

Member Data Documentation

int net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.dimensionId = 0

The id for the dimension (ex. -1: Nether, 0: Overworld, 1: The End)

String net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.field_82913_c
boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.hasNoSky = false

A boolean that tells if a world does not have a sky. Used in calculating weather and skylight

boolean net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.isHellWorld = false

States whether the Hell world provider is used(true) or if the normal world provider is used(false)

float [] net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.lightBrightnessTable = new float[16]

Light to brightness conversion table

WorldType net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.terrainType
WorldChunkManager net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.worldChunkMgr

World chunk manager being used to generate chunks

World net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.worldObj

world object being used

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