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cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod Interface Reference


interface  Block
interface  FingerprintWarning
interface  IMCCallback
interface  Init
interface  Instance
interface  Item
interface  Metadata
interface  PostInit
interface  PreInit
interface  ServerAboutToStart
interface  ServerStarted
interface  ServerStarting
interface  ServerStopped
interface  ServerStopping

Public Member Functions

String modid ()
String name () default""
String version () default""
String dependencies () default""
boolean useMetadata () default false
String acceptedMinecraftVersions () default""
String bukkitPlugin () default""
String modExclusionList () default""
String certificateFingerprint () default""
String modLanguage () default"java"
String asmHookClass () default""

Detailed Description

The new mod style in FML 1.3


Member Function Documentation

String cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.acceptedMinecraftVersions ( )

The acceptable range of minecraft versions that this mod will load and run in The default ("empty string") indicates that only the current minecraft version is acceptable. FML will refuse to run with an error if the minecraft version is not in this range across all mods.

A version range as specified by the maven version range specification or the empty string
String cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.asmHookClass ( )

An optional ASM hook class, that can be used to apply ASM to classes loaded from this mod. It is also given the ASM tree of the class declaring Mod to with what it will.

The name of a class to be loaded and executed. Must implement IASMHook.
String cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.bukkitPlugin ( )

An optional bukkit plugin that will be injected into the bukkit plugin framework if this mod is loaded into the FML framework and the bukkit coremod is present. Instances of the bukkit plugin can be obtained via the BukkitPluginRef annotation on fields.

The name of the plugin to load for this mod
String cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.certificateFingerprint ( )

Specifying this field allows for a mod to expect a signed jar with a fingerprint matching this value. The fingerprint should be SHA-1 encoded, lowercase with ':' removed. An empty value indicates that the mod is not expecting to be signed.

Any incorrectness of the fingerprint, be it missing or wrong, will result in the FingerprintWarning method firing prior to any other event on the mod.

A certificate fingerprint that is expected for this mod.
String cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.dependencies ( )

A simple dependency string for this mod (see modloader's "priorities" string specification)

String cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.modExclusionList ( )

Mods that this mod will not load with. An optional comma separated string of (+|-)(*|modid[]) which specify mods that this mod will refuse to load with, resulting in the game failing to start. Entries can be prefixed with a + for a positive exclusion assertion, or - for a negative exclusion assertion. Asterisk is the wildcard and represents all mods.

The only mods that cannot be excluded are FML and MCP, trivially. Other special values:

  • +f indicates that the mod will accept a minecraft forge environment.
  • -* indicates that the mod will not accept any other mods.

Some examples:

  • -*,+f,+IronChest: Will run only in a minecraft forge environment with the mod IronChests. The -* forces all mods to be excluded, then the +f and +IronChest add into the "allowed list".
  • +f,-IC2: Will run in a minecraft forge environment but will not run if IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2) is loaded alongside.
  • -*: Will not run if any othe mod is loaded except MCP/FML itself.

If a mod is present on the excluded list, the game will stop and show an error screen. If the class containing the Mod annotation has a "getCustomErrorException" method, it will be called to retrieve a custom error message for display in this case. If two mods have a declared exclusion which is matched, the screen that is shown is indeterminate.

A string listing modids to exclude from loading with this mod.
String cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.modid ( )

The unique mod identifier for this mod

String cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.modLanguage ( )

The language the mod is authored in. This will be used to control certain libraries being downloaded. Valid values are currently "java", "scala"

The language the mod is authored in
String cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.name ( )

A user friendly name for the mod

boolean cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.useMetadata ( )

Whether to use the mcmod.info metadata by default for this mod. If true, settings in the mcmod.info file will override settings in these annotations.

String cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.version ( )

A version string for this mod

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: