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cpw.mods.fml.common.BukkitPluginRef Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

String value ()

Detailed Description

Declare a variable to be populated by a Bukkit Plugin proxy instance if the bukkit coremod is available. It can only be applied to field typed as BukkitProxy Generally it should be used in conjunction with Mod#bukkitPlugin() specifying the plugin to load.


Member Function Documentation

String cpw.mods.fml.common.BukkitPluginRef.value ( )

A reference (possibly version specific) to a Bukkit Plugin by name, using the name specification. If this is a bukkit enabled environment the field annotated by this will be populated with a BukkitProxy instance if possible. This proxy will be gotten by reflectively calling the "getModProxy" method on the bukkit plugin instance.

The name of the plugin which we will inject into this field

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