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net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer:

Public Member Functions

int getIntProperty (String s, int i)
String getStringProperty (String s, String s1)
void setProperty (String s, Object object)
void saveProperties ()
String getSettingsFilename ()
String getHostname ()
int getPort ()
String getServerMOTD ()
String getMinecraftVersion ()
int getCurrentPlayerCount ()
int getMaxPlayers ()
String[] getAllUsernames ()
String getFolderName ()
String getPlugins ()
String executeCommand (String s)
boolean isDebuggingEnabled ()
void logInfo (String s)
void logWarning (String s)
void logSevere (String s)
void logDebug (String s)

Member Function Documentation

String net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.executeCommand ( String  s)
String [] net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getAllUsernames ( )

Returns an array of the usernames of all the connected players.

int net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getCurrentPlayerCount ( )

Returns the number of players currently on the server.

String net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getFolderName ( )
String net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getHostname ( )

Returns the server's hostname.

int net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getIntProperty ( String  s,
int  i 

Gets an integer property. If it does not exist, set it to the specified value.

Implemented in net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.

int net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getMaxPlayers ( )

Returns the maximum number of players allowed on the server.

String net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getMinecraftVersion ( )

Returns the server's Minecraft version as string.

String net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getPlugins ( )

Used by RCon's Query in the form of "MajorServerMod 1.2.3: MyPlugin 1.3; AnotherPlugin 2.1; AndSoForth 1.0".

int net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getPort ( )

Never used, but "getServerPort" is already taken.

String net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getServerMOTD ( )

Returns the server message of the day

String net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getSettingsFilename ( )

Returns the filename where server properties are stored

Implemented in net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.

String net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.getStringProperty ( String  s,
String  s1 

Gets a string property. If it does not exist, set it to the specified value.

Implemented in net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.

boolean net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.isDebuggingEnabled ( )

Returns true if debugging is enabled, false otherwise.

void net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.logDebug ( String  s)

If isDebuggingEnabled(), logs the message with a level of INFO.

void net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.logInfo ( String  s)

Logs the message with a level of INFO.

void net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.logSevere ( String  s)

Logs the error message with a level of SEVERE.

void net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.logWarning ( String  s)

Logs the message with a level of WARN.

void net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.saveProperties ( )

Saves all of the server properties to the properties file.

Implemented in net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.

void net.minecraft.network.rcon.IServer.setProperty ( String  s,
Object  object 

Saves an Object with the given property name.

Implemented in net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.

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