Dispense the specified stack, play the dispense sound and spawn particles.
float net.minecraft.dispenser.BehaviorProjectileDispense.func_82498_a |
( |
) | |
protected |
float net.minecraft.dispenser.BehaviorProjectileDispense.func_82500_b |
( |
) | |
protected |
abstract IProjectile net.minecraft.dispenser.BehaviorProjectileDispense.getProjectileEntity |
( |
World |
world, |
IPosition |
iposition |
) |
| |
protectedpure virtual |
Return the projectile entity spawned by this dispense behavior.
void net.minecraft.dispenser.BehaviorProjectileDispense.playDispenseSound |
( |
IBlockSource |
par1IBlockSource) | |
protected |
Play the dispense sound from the specified block.
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